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Wednesday, 06 January 2016Hits : 449

The fair of Pasquella is an event which started in 1984 and is based on the recovery and revitalization of one of the lively statements of folk culture in the Marche. It is linked to begging rituals of the winter solstice and its forms of propitiation are connected to pre-Christian beliefs and ancient fertility rites. It takes place on the 6th January and is organized by the Centre of Folk Traditions and the Group of Research and Folksong of the Marche "La Macina", thanks to the municipal administration of Montecarotto and cooperation of the local Pro-Loco and Municipal Civil Protection, with the patronage of the Marche region and the Province of Ancona. According to tradition, on the eve of Epiphany, a group of singers accompanied by musical instruments go from house to house singing an auspicious ritual chant: the so-called Pasquella. In order to revive this tradition, the National Fair of Pasquella was created which floods Montecarotto with songs, folk dances, bonfires, chestnuts and mulled wine, for an appointment that moves through the streets, the square and the Municipal Theatre.

Location : Montecarotto



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