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From Thursday, 30 April 2015
To Friday, 01 May 2015
Hits : 502

The celebration of Cantamaggio Morro d'Alba has its core in the begging ritual chant of the Cantamaggio, that celebrates the advent of spring and the new agricultural season that is about to start. It has its roots in the pagan rites of fertility, hope and prosperity for the community and individuals. It is sung by groups of singers, "maggianti", the night between 30th April and 1st May, house by house, in the classic formation of three elements: accordion, triangle, cymbal and male voices.
This tradition is disappearing, but to avoid this decline, the Centre of Folk Traditions, the group of folk singing, La Macina and the Municipality of Morro D'Alba, in collaboration with the Pro Loco and other local associations, every year call the authentic bearers of the tradition who come from across the region and from neighbouring ones, to re-sing the Cantemaggio in this small town of the Vallesina, as a celebration. The "Cantamaggio" of Morro D'Alba opens with the Decoration of a “May” Tree by children from the local nursery, a party-game where the kids decorate the tree with multicoloured ribbons. With the traditional fire of the "May" Tree in the square, it is definitely closed with the fire ritual, the month of May.

Location : Morro d'Alba



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