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Feast of the portal

Saturday, 04 July 2015Hits : 439

The initiative was born with the restoration of the only major doorway remained commemorates the passage of Napoleon Bonaparte and his troops in Recanati in 1797-1799, as he writes in his Annals and in the Autobiography, Monaldo Leopardi, father of the famous poet Giacomo Leopardi.
On July 4, the start of the festival will be given by the closing and reopening of the great eighteenth-century portal giving access to the town, will follow the historic parade with the burst of shots of guns and cannons, the arrival at the gallop of a troop of knights: the groups living history with period costumes with dancing and crackling of the rifles will enliven the parade along the streets of the historic centre. Will participate: the Garrison, New Haven, 1811, the Corsairs of Ancona, Battalion of Este, Grand ball of the 1800s and Imago Historiae from Basilicata.

Location : Recanati
Tel.: +39 071 982623



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